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Constantly paying for forklift repair? Dust may be the problem

If you work in a factory or warehouse, you know forklift trucks go through a lot of wear and tear. They are constantly on the move, trudging through environments filled with dust and dirt. All that grime can lead to some very expensive forklift repair bills.

If you're wondering why these pricey machines are constantly breaking down, there may be a hidden culprit you haven't yet considered: dust. 

We'll explain how dust leads to more frequent forklift repairs, and what you can do to extend the lifespan of your forklift and improve your bottom line at the same time. 

forklift lifespan

Why forklift repair is so frequently needed

Factories and warehouses are dusty places, and all that dust poses a threat to employees' health. But these particles can also damage your most valuable machinery, including forklifts. In fact, forklifts are particularly vulnerable because they're constantly moving from production floors to storage areas to loading bays. Those are some of the dustiest environments in any facility.

Forklifts not only pick up dust from external sources, but they also generate their own dust through the abrasion of their tires on concrete floors. This releases dangerous silica dust and other rubber particles, which are sucked up by the motor of the forklift. Before you know it, you'll be setting another appointment for forklift repair. 

So what can you do to prevent this issue? 

How to reduce the need for forklift repair

To resolve the issue of frequent forklift repair, you need to take measures to reduce the amount of dust and dirt in your facility. But simply sweeping up dust after it's already settled won't be enough, even if you use a professional cleaning service.  

You might consider a cyclonic air filter, which is an air intake system. You can also install engine guards, but a better solution is to eliminate dust at the source, before it has a chance to accumulate. 

And to do that, you need an industrial air purifier. 

Cleaner air = less forklift repair

Dust in the engines of your forklifts can be a pricey problem. Not only does it lead to expensive forklift repairs, but it can reduce productivity and cause delays with customers – the very customers whose revenue you rely on to pay for the forklift repairs in the first place. 

With an industrial air purification system, you can solve the dust problem once and for all. With one of Zehnder's state-of-the-art air cleaners, you can reduce airborne dust and dirt by up to 90 %, and lower maintenance costs by roughly 30 %.

Air purification from the market leader

By installing one of Zehnder's air purification systems, you'll join other companies around the globe who are already harnessing the benefits of clean air. In addition to reducing the need for forklift repairs, an industrial air cleaner leads to: 

  • Up to 50 % fewer sick days
  • Up to 70 % lower cleaning costs 
  • Around 10 % fewer machine breakdowns 
  • Up to a 30 % reduction in energy costs

See how clean air could transform your business, and get in touch with a Zehnder clean air specialist today. 

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