industrial air cleaning for bakeries

Air purification eliminates baker's asthma and flour dust in bakeries

Any bakery worth their salt uses air purifiers to remove flour dust from the air, protecting their employees from baker’s asthma and maintaining product hygiene.

The right air purification system helps bakeries overcome a variety of challenges

Flour dust

In a busy bakery, flour dust gets everywhere, from the floor to the machines – and even in the lungs of employees. With our industrial air purifiers, all the flour dust is filtered out before it can cause harm to your employees, your machinery, or your goods.

Baker's asthma

Employees exposed to flour dust can develop baker’s asthma, which can have serious long-term effects on their health. With a high-performance air purifier, your employees won’t have to worry about the air they’re breathing.

Avoiding fines and legal woes

State and federal government bodies have strict rules when it comes to food health and safety. An industrial air cleaner will lower the risk of you being fined or reprimanded for putting workers at risk.

Cross contamination

Flour isn’t the only ingredient that can cause air pollution at bakeries. Icing sugar, baking soda, and nuts form fine powders that can cross-contaminate your products. To keep maintain your business reputation and keep customers healthy, use an industrial air purifier to ensure ingredients only end up where they’re intended.

Unnecessary sick days

In addition to baker’s asthma, flour dust and other particles in the air can cause a host of medical issues. Without clean air, staff will need more time off work to recover, leaving you understaffed and underproductive.

Cleaning costs

Removing dust in bakeries is key to keeping machinery up and running and your facility clean and hygienic. Without an industrial air purifier, you can expect to spend a lot more time and money cleaning your bakery.

financial benefits of clean air

Five reasons why it pays to have clean air

Lower costs, more productivity. The facts speak for themselves: 

30 %Less maintenance costs
50 %Fewer sick days
70 %Reduction in cleaning costs
10 %Less machine downtime
30 %Lower energy costs
Clean air significantly reduces your cleaning expenses.
Use our calculator to see how much you can save
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zehnders range of industrial air purifiers overview full 4

Find the right air purifier for your bakery

Because your requirements are individual, we offer tailored dust reduction solutions.

See our air purifiers

Together we’ll take care of your flour dust issues

We’re here to answer your questions and meet your needs. I’d be delighted to advise you on your air purification requirements don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kevin Rohrbach Head of North America  (908) 200-9486  Mail to  Connect with me on LinkedIn Book Meeting