Nezáleží na tom, v jakém oboru působíte a jaký problém znečištění řešíte. Najdeme vhodnou kombinaci čističky vzduchu a filtru pro každého.
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We’re here to answer your questions and meet your needs. I’d be delighted to advise you on your air purification requirements – don’t hesitate to get in touch.
At Zehnder Clean Air Solutions, we select the air filters that go into your air cleaning devices. With the help of dust measurements, we know exactly what types of particles you have, and in what concentrations they are present. That's why you can be sure that you'll always get the most effective solution for your company from us – and we'll take care of fitting the right air filter into your industrial air purifier.
Filter replacement for dirty filters depends on the dust levels in your facility. Normally, filters in an industrial environment have to be changed every 3, 6 or 9 months. In an office, every 12 months may be sufficient.
Every environment is different so that's why we offer flexible installation options. For example, industrial air purifiers can be installed on ceilings, walls, shelves or columns – and even placed on the floor.
Quite simply, yes, all Zehnder industrial air purifiers have a guarantee.