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The management team and values behind Zehnder Clean Air Solutions

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Meet the management team at Zehnder Clean Air Solutions

clean air solutions patrik fransehn

Clean air is something that concerns us all. That's why I'm proud to lead a company that’s passionate about providing a healthy work environment in locations around the world. And I think we're doing that quite well. Not least because we always tailor our products and services to the needs of our customers and are always able to learn something new about ourselves in the process. At the end of the day, everything we do revolves around people. 

Patrik FranséhnManaging Director
clean air solutions magnus bladh

"Air purification" is a synonym for my professional career. And that is no accident. Because the most important thing for me is the air quality of our customers. Every day this drives me to look for new solutions for companies. From research and development through to the expansion of our technical possibilities, that's what I'm passionate about. I’m really very proud of my team, with whom I’ve always been able to revolutionise air purification and set new standards. 

Magnus BladhHead of Technology
clean air solutions nadja funkner

When I say that I'm passionate about Zehnder Clean Air Solutions, that's a gross understatement. Day after day, I’m passionate about educating everyone about the benefits of clean air. My personal drive is to be able to make the world a little bit better with our work. After all, the improved air quality at industrial workplaces ultimately improves the quality of life of everyone who works there. And that's exactly what I want for every individual, in every company. 

Nadja FunknerHead of Marketing
clean air solutions benjamin mooser

I put my heart and soul into making sure that our company is financially sound. In addition, I advise our team on how to increase the efficiency of our systems and ultimately pass on the profits to our customers. Basically, it's about finding solutions that best fit the needs of customers. Solutions that help you increase employee satisfaction, improve your processes and increase your profitability. Passion and teamwork, that's what defines Zehnder Clean Air Solutions for me. 

Benjamin MooserManager Global Controlling & Pricing
clean air solutions jonny huvell

My home is production, purchasing and logistics. And as part of this, I have the pleasure of leading a great team of committed and creative people. My goal is to make our company even more efficient and sustainable, create value for our customers and improve our impact on the environment every day. I’m proud of the responsible mission that we implement together: to create a better and healthier working environment for our customers and their employees. 

Jonny HuvellHead of Operations
clean air solutions ben simons

What excites me most about my job is that with every new air cleaning solution installation and service we make a huge difference to our customers' business. For me, that and the fact that we make this possible with a wonderful group of colleagues is what makes my work at Zehnder Clean Air Solutions special. It’s passion you can feel every day. This motivates me even more to spread the benefits of clean air across Western Europe! 

Ben SimonsHead of Europe West
clean air solutions emanuel kronauer

"What makes your job special?" is a question that I get asked again and again (whether privately or professionally). My answer: Each of us has a right to clean air. But not everyone has the chance to breathe it. But that’s exactly what our mission is! It motivates me every day to hear that we have significantly improved the working conditions for a customer, and at the same time have been able to boost the health of their workforce. That's what makes my job. 

Emanuel KronauerHead of Europe Central/South
clean air solutions guido rocchinotti

Our air purification solutions are unique - and even though that sounds like ‘just something people say’, I mean it quite seriously. I'm really proud of it. We offer our customers and partners consistently high quality, excellent service and enable them to make significant cost savings. We do all this to create clean air in companies all over the world. And we also make an important contribution to employee satisfaction and the long-term health of the workforce! 

Guido RocchinottiHead of Europe East/Alps
clean air solutions mikael ahlskog

I started at Zehnder Clean Air Solutions in 2008. It's hard to believe that I've been part of this strong company for so long. But when work is fun, time flies by! It motivates me enormously to work for a company that does so many positive things, by making a contribution to a cleaner environment and making every day working life easier for its customers. I am proud of the great team that supports me and cares about our customers in Northern Europe as much as I do. 

Mikael AhlskogHead of Nordics
clean air solutions kevin rohrbach

Throughout my career, I’ve always wanted to do things that help people and the environment. I believe clean air is a right that all employees should have. When I install equipment or change filters at a customer's site and one of the employees comes up to me and thanks me for how much better the air is now in the factory or at work, it always makes me smile. I can't wait to share this experience with more customers as we grow in North America. 

Kevin RohrbachHead of North America
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We’re about more than just clean air. Our key focus is our people.

It may sound like a cliché, but at the core of everything we stand for – behind our mission to make clean air the standard for companies worldwide – is one thing. And that’s our people. 

Our customers and partners are not just numbers. Everything we do focuses on creating ‘Customers for life’ – and the long-term relationships that we’ve already established with customers is testament to this. But how do we achieve this? Essentially, by looking at a customer’s wants and needs. We don’t just want to be a service provider and supplier. We want to be a reliable partner, who constantly asks you what you really need, and supports you in achieving your goals. 

What’s important to us?

Many agree that values can’t be taught – they can only be lived. That pretty much sums up our corporate philosophy. We don’t just want to be a place to work for our employees. We want to create a place that brings together people who share the same values: Empathy, tolerance, respect and trust.   

Why is this so important to us? Quite simply, because people are at the heart of everything we do. This goes for our customers, too. And we think we’re doing a great job. 

people at clean air solutions

Our sustainability focus

As air cleaning solutions providers, it only seems right that we’re committed to minimising waste and emissions. So we’ve made it our priority to: 

  • rely on intelligent energy-saving technology, 
  • continue to develop our filter technology so it’s even more durable than conventional alternatives, and 
  • continue to evolve our service model to make it a 100 % circular economy

Clean air in itself is a sustainability driver too – because it lowers heating costs, saves on cleaning and helps make employees healthy and happy. 

Want to find out more about us? Start here!

zehnder clean air solutions story Where it all started

Zehnder Clean Air Solutions started in Sweden in the mid-1990s. But that was just the beginning of our journey. 

career at zehnder clean air solutions 1 Could you be a perfect fit?

Are you incredibly good at what you do? Longing for a job with meaning and a team that’s just as passionate about its subject as you are? Take a look at our current vacancies.