clean air solutions medical and pharma cleanroom

Air purification for industrial cleanrooms

Achieve even higher hygiene levels for your cleanroom equipment with minimal effort and investment.

Protect cleanroom equipment and improve business efficiency with clean air systems:

Meet hygiene standards

When manufacturing medical and pharmaceutical products, maximum hygiene is paramount. Our air purifiers increase hygiene many times over without large investment, for peace of mind.

Prevent contamination

Even when you’ve taken the utmost care, theres always a risk of product contamination. This is a threat to patients and your company name. Our air purifiers keep your image clean, at all times. 

Maintenance costs

Air may look clean, but it doesn't mean it is. If particles in the air settle on machines, this can lead to maintenance issues. Air purification helps prevent this from happening, saving you money. 

financial benefits of clean air

Five reasons why it pays to have clean air

Lower costs, more productivity. The facts speak for themselves: 

30 %Less maintenance costs
50 %Less sick leave
70 %Reduced cleaning costs
10 %Less machine downtime
30 %Lower energy costs
Clean air significantly reduces your cleaning costs.
Quickly calculate how much you can save
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zehnders range of industrial air purifiers overview full 4

Find the right air purifier for your clean room

You can’t cut corners when it comes to hygiene. This is why we offer you tailored, flexible solutions for maximum hygiene in your cleanrooms. 

See our air purifiers
customer quote ruetschi

You can now safely leave tools lying around without them being covered in oil smoke. The previously clearly visible oil mist has disappeared. The 'de-oiling' of the work surfaces is now also no longer necessary. 

Thomas Trüssel, Ruetschi Technology AG
To our success stories

We help you get your clean rooms even more hygienic

We’re here to answer your questions and meet your needs. I’d be delighted to advise you on your air purification requirements don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Ben Simons Head of Europe West/Country Manager  +44 7909 533878  Mail to  Connect with me on LinkedIn