When handling textiles, fibres are created, that stay in the air for a long time. The consequences include restricted breathing and an uncomfortable feeling at work. The worst case scenario is serious health problems. You can save yourself these problems with clean air.
First impressions count. A clean working environment is not only important for your employees, but also for your customers, visitors or investors. Our air purifiers make your air inviting and clean.
You don’t need extra cleaning work because airborne textile fibres have got into your systems and machines. Stay one step ahead and reduce your cleaning effort to a minimum with clean air systems that do it for you.
Lower costs, more productivity. The facts speak for themselves:
The innovative air cleaning systems make us even more competitive. In addition, it is now easier for us to meet our high standards of cleanliness and hygiene.
We’re here to answer your questions and meet your needs. I’d be delighted to advise you on your air purification requirements – don’t hesitate to get in touch.