clean air solutions packaging cardboard dust

Air purification for the packaging industry

Cardboard dust is not only annoying, but also unhealthy. With our air purifiers you can breathe easily again.

Combat cardboard dust hazards and improve business efficiency:

Health risks

Once cardboard dust has spread through the air, the next stop is your employees’ lungs. This can lead to health problems, which you can avoid with clean air. 


Whether you’re looking to recruit staff or welcome new starters, make sure your environment is clean – and that includes your air. Our air purifiers make all the difference. 

Print results

Cardboard dust can have a detrimental effect on the quality of print for your packaging. The solution? Catch the dust at the source with our clean air solutions. 

Maintenance costs

Your machines and systems are important. The last thing you want is cardboard dust settling on sensors and circuit boards, causing them to come to a standstill. Clean air can help prevent this. 

Corporate image

It’s important to have a clean working environment for your products – as well as for your staff, customers and investors. Make sure you always leave the best impression by removing cardboard dust from the air before it settles. 

Cleaning costs

Focus your efforts on your everyday business rather than the extra work created by cleaning up cardboard dust. Stay one step ahead and minimise time and money spent on cleaning by having clean air. 

financial benefits of clean air

Five reasons why it pays to have clean air

Lower costs, more productivity. The facts speak for themselves: 

30 %Less maintenance costs
50 %Less sick leave
70 %Reduced cleaning costs
10 %Less machine downtime
30 %Lower energy costs
Clean air significantly reduces your cleaning costs.
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zehnders range of industrial air purifiers overview full 4

Find the right air purifier for your packaging business

Because your requirements are individual, we offer tailored dust reduction solutions. 

See our air purifiers
placeholder sales

Employee sick leave due to colds and respiratory diseases has decreased by half. The cleaning effort has also fallen significantly, by around 15 hours per week. 

Peter Tillmann, Tillmann Verpackungen GmbH
To our success stories

We take your clean air as seriously as our own

We’re here to answer your questions and meet your needs. I’d be delighted to advise you on your air purification requirements don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Ben Simons Head of Europe West/Country Manager  +44 7909 533878  Mail to  Connect with me on LinkedIn