As a factory worker, you spend most of your day working in an enclosed space, and this can have more of an impact on your health than you think. You may have come home from work with dirt or dust on your clothes… maybe you’ve noticed that you seem to catch more coughs and colds… or you might have even had difficulty breathing at some point. All of this can take its toll – causing short-term problems like skin irritation and allergies, and long-term health concerns like respiratory illnesses and even cancer. It’s clear that the impact on your health and overall wellbeing can be huge.
That’s why it’s crucial to understand the significance of commercial air cleaning and learn why clean air is important to positively impact you and your colleagues every day.
At Zehnder, we truly care about our role in creating happy and healthy workplaces – and how this in turn contributes to minimising waste and emissions in the wider environment. We take your air as seriously as we do our own, and we make it our mission to ensure your workplace has a clean air solution that’s uniquely suited to your requirements.
Don’t push buttons, move deflectors or re-position floor standing units – they’re set up this way for a reason!
Unplugging units impacts their whole performance and means you’re putting your health – and the health of your colleagues – at risk.
Spreading the word of the importance of clean air is a great way to make sure the whole team understands how our units work and the rules surrounding their use.
If your filters have you flummoxed, your sensors aren’t making sense, or your air filter isn’t working at its best, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at or 01276 605800 – we’re always happy to clear things up.
Discover how our clean air solutions are contributing to healthier, happier teams and safer environments.