We’ve had Zehnder’s air cleaners essentially from the start – meaning we have a fantastic working environment. Our warehouse has dust levels that are much lower than recommended levels – which is noticeable. We’ve also seen a decrease in maintenance now that we have less dust.
XXL Sport & Vildmark’s central warehouse in Örebro serves the entire Swedish and Finnish market with nearly 50 department stores and e-commerce in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The business faced lots of dust related challenges – including dust covered boxes and goods, dirty floors and dust-filled air that employees were breathing in. Zehnder already supply sister company XXL Grossist Norge AS with air purification systems and knew that they could make a real difference to create a clean workplace and clean air.
The Zehnder air purification solution was installed at the central warehouse in Örebro. The service agreement meant that regular measurements were taken and optimised filter changes made based on the results – delivering an 89 % reduction in dust. XXL has combined its optimised air purification with thorough cleaning routines for the non-airborne dust, creating a neat and clean workplace where happy, productive employees breathe clean, fresh air into their lungs with every breath.
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